Rescue practice at Coquet Island

Sunday’s club paddle round Coquet Island included a rescue practice that became more exciting than expected. There were a few waves about and a bit of a breeze – wind against tide – making conditions more interesting than on recent visits to the island. When a rescue went wrong and led to an unplanned swim, … Read more

Canoe at Coquet Island

Last Sunday’s club sea paddle was on another gloriously calm day and allowed a (admittedly very experienced) canoeist to go to Coquet Island in an open canoe. Tap/click for more photos from Richard Booth.

Rock-hopping with dolphins

Sunday’s club paddle was rockhopping from Sugar Sands to Craster – including an encounter with dolphins. The strange metal object in this photo is the boiler from the Managua wrecked in 1907. Click/tap for more photos And a spot the dolphin video by Frances Anderson:

Delightful calm day at St Abbs

It was a Tuesday so only a small group went out to paddle in St Abbs. Mostly we had calm seas and light winds. The birds were nesting so we weren’t able to get into as many nooks and crannies as we would have liked but we still had a great time threading through the … Read more

2022 Anual Coquet Island Race- 12th June

Twenty-two participants took part in the annual race from the Braid around Coquet Island and back despite the unseasonably windy conditions on the day. Fastest time was from Lizelle Kemp in a ski, fastest sea kayak was Ian Makkison in a Tiderace 18. Well done to the organisers and participants (click on the picture for … Read more