Club adventure in Spain

The weather has been unkind to Northumbrian kayakers recently with no water in the rivers and big waves on the sea. However some of the sea group have been having an idyllic time in Catalonia on an adventure with members of the Wansbeck club. They’ve booked again for next year.

Club coaches win award

Two inspiring club coaches received senior achievement awards at the Alnwick and District Sports Council Awards last week. Bob has been a whitewater coach with the club for 15 years, and Ali has been doing the same for ten. In that time they have trained hundreds of rookie paddlers – both youngsters and older starters … Read more

A sunny Sunday in February

Last Sunday the club had three groups of paddlers taking advantage of the great weather. There are some pics and a video from two of them below – while there was also an afternoon outing up the Coquet estuary from Shorebase when the tide came over the weir. The sea group went round Coquet Island … Read more

Mid-January paddling

Non-paddlers are often surprised that we keep on kayaking through the winter but if you have a good drysuit with warm layers under it then being on the water in a canoe is a great way to get outdoors in bad weather. On Sunday there was plenty of water in the North Tyne and the … Read more

Christmas holiday outings

The Club’s traditional New Year paddle under the bridges of the Tyne was scuppered this year by the lack of a suitable get-out spot. But we still managed a few days on the water when conditions were right. Some of the sea paddlers made the most of a sunny day and calm seas for a … Read more

Making the most of the snow melt

Eleven people turned out on a Tuesday to make the the most of the snow melt on a perfect day and paddle Haydon Bridge to Hexham on the Tyne. The river levels were good not too big and bouncy and excellent for surfing and for practising breaking in and out of the flow and using … Read more

Poppy’s Drop with the river high

Sunday’s club outing was a river run on the Coquet from Poppy’s drop to Weldon Bridge. High water levels made some great conditions for surfing and practising breaking in and out of the flow. Recent floods have washed down fallen trees adding more excitement by creating new hazards to avoid. Click/tap to see more photos … Read more

Running the rapids at Barrasford

The club traditionally helps out with the Tyne Tour at the start of November, organised by Hexham Canoe Club. After organising the car park the Coquet club group goes for a run down the North Tyne. Click/tap to see a video of Tim from Shorebase negotiating the rapids at Barrasford. Video by John Snowdon.